The school

Established in 2030, Avante, the first brazilian state school of performative arts, emerged at a time of rupture with austerity policies, with the aim of strengthening the cultural industry and consolidating national identity. With a 4-year curriculum and unprecedented investments, the modern building became a mark of the national aspiration to become the country of the future.Taking great strides towards its sovereignty, the country is now confronted with a scenario of antagonism in the face of international interests. Idols are portrayed as a burden on the public coffers; civil and military sectors question the democratic state. The music industry, then, finds itself in a cultural tug of war, always under threat of having its freedoms curtailed by a dictatorial turn.At a time when national aesthetics waver between a symbol of autonomy and a patriotic veneer in favor of imperialistic interests, Avante cedes part of its management to the private sector, forming a public-private partnership and becoming a fragment of the dispute of interests that consumes the country.Now the question remains. Will these boys become weapons, victims or champions in the drama that unveils before them?

units & characters

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A unit that values complex vocal harmonies and melodies. They spend too much time dwelling on aesthetic questions, the purpose of art and all sorts of formalistic quibbles, consequently getting very little work done. Often criticised for being too ars gratia artis, but whenever they put something into the world, it’s definite to be a hit.

MPB, Bossa nova

Samuel Batista de Alencar

16 years old | 1,70M | 54kg

A devout catholic who was previously a choir boy. Being trained in piano, his appreciation for classical music led him to develop a distaste for the mass media that took over almost all cultural production, and he now aims to inject a little Taste™ back into the musical industry. His prickliness can be difficult to deal with at times, but his loyalty and generousness make up for it.

Murilo Bonot Correia

15 years old | 1,63M | 55kg

Always with a book under his arm and with his head in the clouds, Murilo lives between the real and fictional world. Due to his interest in writing, he somewhat became a walking encyclopaedia of random facts, helping him find creative solutions for all sorts of predicaments. He secretly publishes fanfics about his peers under different pseudonyms, causing a stir with every new chapter.

Oliver Martins Guerra

16 years old | 1,69M | 58kg

A trend-setter fashionista and enthusiast of historical clothing, Oliver gained authority among Avante’s students for his outfit designs and personal stylist services. He’s often complacent to anything that doesn’t affect him directly, verging on amorality, and is very profit-motivated. He likes to keep well-informed on the school’s social world and seems to know more about other idols’ working and personal life than he should.

Hugo Hoffmann

17 years old | 1,78M | 71kg

A man of few words and stern look, Hugo came from a small german community in south Brazil. As a kid, he worked in his father's carpentry workshop, but soon realised his passion for music. Despite not expressing much verbally, he likes to express himself through lyrics, making him the main lyricist of his unit. He’s very attentive to his surroundings and tends to read people with ease.

VA: Rafael Teixeira Santos

Pietro Miquelin Celot

15 years old | 1,60M | 47kg

Son of a couple of acclaimed actors, Pietro grew up surrounded by fame, art and with access to a top-notch education. Showing a high need for cognition since a tender age, he grew up to become well-versed in a wide range of topics, with a special interest in languages and physics. His personality is down-to-earth but he might appear outlandish and out of touch due to his unconventional opinions and distinct mannerism.

Exploring a variety of themes from social criticism, to history and fantasy, Rádio Pirata is a subversive progressive rock band that aims to become the carrier of social change within the idol world. They hold unrivalled organisational skills and, by being politically engaged, they are not afraid to challenge the status quo. A fair amount of their revenue is earmarked to political causes.


Bruno Montenegro

15 years old | 1,62M | 51kg

Extremely reserved and soft-spoken, Bruno rarely seeks the company of other people and can appear uncomfortable when approached. Since he doesn’t let out much, nor interacts much, he looks innocent and superficial; but beneath this facade, and despite his low self-esteem, he hides exceptional deduction skills and intelligence. He finds inspiration in every little thing and creates dramatic compositions for Rádio Pirata. His flaw? Being easily bribed with sweets.

Cícero Linhares de Andrade

16 years old | 1,67M | 55kg

With a cordial smile upon his face, Cícero has a friendly aura to those who meet him for the first time… For the first time. His sharp remarks and quick-wit are sure to guarantee him many enemies. He is terrible at understanding people, and tries to overcome his lack of empathy by reading about psychology and putting everybody into weird social experiments (without their consent). He’s mostly well-meaning though. Just be patient with him.

Maxuel Vaz da Costa

16 years old | 1,73M | 67kg

Not the brightest member of Rádio Pirata, but definitely the most hard-working; Maxuel likes to contribute to the unit with innovative - but unreasonable - ideas and go to great lengths to make them work. His main interests are working out and playing the guitar, something that gave him some initial popularity on the internet and made him decide on following the idol career.

Dante Nicodemos

15 years old | 1,74M | 60kg

Being the son of a doctor, Dante grew up pressured to follow his father’s steps. The decision to become an idol was met with such disapproval that he became estranged from his family, now trying to navigate a life of responsibilities independently, to his despair. He’s a shy and sensitive boy, who loves cinema and grunge music, and who may be overprotective to the few friend he has made and the few things he has achieved in life.

Loyal (not without protest) to traditional sertanejo, the duo Leandro and Lorenzo sings of hens, cows, country maiden and the occasional farmville experience. They hold a very orthodox position within the music world and easily get all the investment they need, mostly from the private sector.


Leandro Borges Ribeiro

18 years old | 1,77M | 74kg

Heir of a big agribusiness company, Leandro is a country boy at heart. Despite his conservative upbringing, he is not afraid to show his caring side nor to challenge traditional notions of masculinity. He has trouble understanding new concepts and different opinions, but always deals with them with humility and tolerance. His heartfelt songs are full of sentimentalism and often express a longing for the bucolic life of the countryside.

Lorenzo Perillo Campos

16 years old | 1,70M | 60kg

Coming from a traditional family of politicians, Lorenzo sees the idol world as the perfect environment to build up his popularity and increase his chances of raising to a powerful position in the political sphere. His background gave him an almost diverting obsession with appearing poor despite his complete lack of awareness of the reality of the working class. With a disdain for everything related to the countryside, Lorenzo is a force in favour of the modern variety of sertanejo, to the annoyance of his partner, Leandro.

Bringing samba to Avante, Batuque Banto can gravitate from the dynamic style of escolas de samba to the laid-back style of romantic pagode. They have a hard time working together due to the lack of harmony between the members, but they also have a hard time working with the industry due to their chaotic performances and stupid lyrics. Still, they managed to win the hearts of many loyal fans.


Dimas Oliveira Torres

16 years old | 1,71M | 63kg

Just a silly goofy boy. When he’s not working on his idol activities, he’s doing part-times or playing football. No, he can’t stand still. When his unit gets out of the buzz, he starts spreading controversies and fabricating silly goofy stories to remain relevant. His cheerfulness and obliviousness makes people forgive him with ease though.

Washington Nascimento Farias

18 years old | 1,75M | 64kg

Washington had a difficult childhood in poverty, but due to the many sacrifices his mother committed for him, he managed to get an education and attain some success in life, leading him to become a passionate defender of meritocracy. Neither can this man take a joke, nor can he stand still in the face of injustice, constantly threatening to sue anybody who gets on his nerves… and well, his knowledge in law certainly aids him with his prosecutions. Despite his sternness, he’s a cat person, or even a cat lover, occasionally showing his soft side near his beloved pet companions.

Ravi Maia Laudier

17 years old | 1,72M | 57kg

Previously a street musician, he was found by a recruiter and joined the idol world. On the outside, he’s a kind and courteous man, but deep in his heart he despises everybody with a passion. He’s a firm believer of positive thinking and blames all his misfortunes on his hatred problems. His interests are astrology, beadwork and mushrooms (the edible kind, mind you).

VA: impetus

Aderbal Garcia da Silva

18 years old | 1,76M | 69kg

A bit gaudy, maybe, but not a bad guy. Aderbal is a fan of brega music and can be considered old-fashioned in many ways. He hates spending money and will bargain every time he needs to spend a cent. This is not without reason, as his family accumulated such a high debt that he often suffers from the consequences of it. At least having to constantly escape loan sharks gave him the skills of agility and deception. He’s usually responsible for the lyrics of his unit’s songs, but hates the job and will often bullshit it.

Popular in character and nationalistic in ideology, Qui’xote brings expressive melodies that verse about the joys and miseries of the northeastern man. They conceptualise themselves as protector warriors of popular culture, setting the goal to spread it worldwide and trying to stay loyal to their roots, but constantly having to acquiesce to external demands. They mostly like to work cooperatively and are always willing to help units in trouble.


Vicente evangelista diniz

16 years old | 1,73M | 59kg

Vicente comes from a financially unprivileged, but culturally rich family. By having had contact with all sorts of popular traditions, from frevo to maracatú, he became a great dancer and performer. He’s always in high spirits, very open about his feelings and honest to a fault. He might seem irresponsible, but is adaptable and always manages to get things done in his own way.

Arthur Amorim Girardello

15 years old | 1,63M | 50kg

Arthur came from an erudite family that exerted strict control over his exposure to culture. His drift to popular music was first and foremost an act of rebellion, showcasing his belligerence and strong will. He’s a bit self-conscious about his petit frame and tries to compensate with acts of bravado, hiding his gentle side. His main interests are chess and golfing.

Jurandir da Rosa Conceição

18 years old | 1,78M | 72kg

A man of his word and a firm believer of violence, Jurandir holds the belief that justice is a precondition to peace and cannot be obtained by the methods of its postcondition. Despite his aggressiveness, he holds rigorous ethical principles and acts rationally in most circumstances. Besides singing and playing the accordion, he enjoys baking and relaxing in isolated places.

Carioca funk

Josimar Pereira dos Santos

17 years old | 1,75M | 66kg

The carioca funk MC of Avante, Josimar (aka Tramóia) is the voice of the favela in the idol world. He quickly gained a solid fan base due to his prodigious oratory and stage presence; and with street knowledge he’s also been proving himself a prolific marketer of his own career. He likes everything his way and his erratic behaviour often puts those around him in a pinch. The root of his music lies in Rio de Janeiro, but with influence from many genres around the globe, making his tunes extremely unique and experimental.